The Michigan Messenger

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The Michigan Messenger going forward

By Staff Report | 11.16.11

I am writing today to announce the closure of the Michigan Messenger. After four years of operation in Michigan, the board of the American Independent News Network, has decided to shift publication of its news into a single site, The American Independent at This is part of a shift in strategy, towards new forms [...]

Colorado-based abstinence program provided false and misleading information to Michigan students

By Todd A. Heywood | 11.16.11

An abstinence-only presentation provided to numerous school districts in Calhoun and Eaton Counties in October of this year provided false and misleading information to students about HIV, experts allege.

Class action lawsuit filed against MERS over unpaid taxes

By Todd A. Heywood | 11.15.11

Two county registers of deeds filed a class action lawsuit Monday on behalf of Michigan’s 83 counties alleging that the Mortgage Electronic Registration Services owes millions of dollars in property title transfer taxes.

Schuette fights important mercury regulations

By Eartha Jane Melzer | 11.14.11

Despite evidence of the impact of mercury on children and public health, Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette last month joined with 24 other state attorneys general in filing a lawsuit to scuttle new EPA regulations that would reduce mercury emissions from power plants.


Tier 5 unemployment extension to be submitted

By Ed Brayton | 02.03.11 | 7:57 am

A bill to create a Tier 5 of federal unemployment benefits to help those who are languishing in long-term unemployment will be submitted in Congress sometime next week. The bill would add an additional 14 weeks to available unemployment benefits.


  • Dawn Rayner

    Your statement is incorrect. The bill being introduced is not for a Tier 5. It is for 14 weeks which would be added to Tier 1. Some states have restrictions of percentages of unemployed attached to tier 4, which would not allow them to enter into a tier 5. With this bill, all unemployed and ALL 99ers would get the additional 14 weeks.

  • Richard

    I think a Tier 5 is off of the table. The most 99ers will get is an additional 14 weeks and that will go quickly. His [Obama] administration is obsessed with creating jobs and will let people continue to lose homes and live on the streets before jobs are created and the unemployment rate to 8%. Why do you think the stock market is doing so well? If you don’t hire you cut costs hence $2 trillion saved.

  • Anonymous

    so if i exhaust all my euc benefits they will give me 14 more weeks on a state extension?

  • Scott Heckert

    if the bill is passed they will give you an additional 14 weeks on your tier one

  • Anonymous

    My 99 weeks expired in October. I am still unable to find employment, despite applying for several supposedly available “job postings” weekly. I cannot pay my rent, barely put food on the table and need these extensions. I plan to take early retirement late this year, which I never expected to do. I have been working full time since I was 17, went to school, raised a family and now I hope I’m not in the streets before I can collect social security, which I don’t even know the status of at this point. Maybe I need to find an iceberg to float out to sea on? I received a “joke” email about the government deporting senior citizens to avoid paying SS – now that the idea is out there . . . watch out! Richard is absolutely right about the stock market – employers make money at the expense of employees.

  • steve

    I to have been unemployed for quite some time, going on two and a half years. I send in an average of 2 Resumes a week and have had one interview. I am i=on the verge of losing everything I have and I see nothing sown the road that will provide any kind of relief.
    It seems I am either to old or made too much money in my last position to be considered for employment by anyone. I have seen the same job opening posted several times by various compannies and still I don’ get a call. I have know idea to where to look for work or any idea of what these companies are looking for. It is hard to imagine how we can offer help to every country in the world yet turn our back on people in this country that really need the help.

  • Anonymous

    I had to quit my job to look after my mother, who had terminal cancer. After that “extended unemployment” (hah!) I could not get a job again. I have now exhausted all benefits. I have applied for a minimum 4 jobs every darn week; I have over 300 logged. But I’m in my fifties and live in a rural area. Though I have a 15 year career in IT/Telecom behind me, those industries have undergone drastic changes and are now filled with outsourced and overseas staff… I’ve written my local representatives, who are Republican and unwilling to vote for extensions. We’re losing every safety network we had: collective bargaining is one more right going down the tubes. To those of you still comfortable and unsympathetic with your jobs, remember the famous quote from the Lutheran minister in WWII… he had no empathy until they came for him. Close your eyes and pretend you don’t see while you can.

  • Anonymous

    At 53 I have been out of work for 2 years now. My job as a Regional. Sales Manager in the fashion apparel industry was eliminated. Unfortunatly this industry has consolidated so much that most all companies in this business are doing all of their sales operations out of their NY offices. The problem is that I live in the Midwest and am having to change industry’s which is almost impossible to do in this economy. It use to be with my sales and management experience that other industry’s would look at me for a position. Now with high unemployement the job paramiters are very narrow and you have to fit in those paramiters to even get looked at for the job. Company’s used to looked for people the were not job hoppers. I have had only had 2 jobs in my professional career. Many people who were job hoppers have been in different industry’s during their careers which is now a asset. As I am writing this I am looking at the 8 notebook binders with all of the jobs that I have applied for in the past 2 years. I am married and have 2 small children 8 and 10. I go to bed at night and wonder if I will ever be able to support my family again. It is very depressing. I want my children to grow up being proud of their father for taking care of the family. It seems at this point in my life that this is not going to happen. The unemployment check that I recieved each week did indeed help with my household expenses. With all tiers exhusted now it is going to be really hard to make ends meet. Thank you for reading whats is on my mind.


  • Anonymous

    Steve, I know how you feel. I was on the way to the grocery store and my daughter,looked at my inoperable parked on the street and said something about the “cash for clunkers” program. I told her about the auto industry and how the government has helped them with bailouts and I was thinking,where is government help for American citizens? When the government sees the rise in home foreclosures,auto reposessions and increases in burglary and other crimes,then they’ll see how people are suffering.I think about losing my home. I wonder how long I can actually live in my home during the foreclosure proceddings,before the Sherriff comes over here and demands that my family and I leave. But hey,GM,Ford and Chrysler are going to be okay. I can’t believe it,but the government has REALLY turned its back on us. Its own citizens. The people of the United States. What has happened to this country.I know that this may sound cliche, but I am in your shoes too.but Steve,hang in there man. “this too,shall pass.”
    p.s. I have wondered if millions of people lose their homes,can the sherriff really kick ALL of us out of our homes?

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