It’s been active around the Center for Independent Media neighborhood; our sister sites are hopping.
Looks like we’re on Coleman concession watch with Minnesota Independent, now that the vote recount is done and the vote certified, with Al Franken a narrow 225 votes ahead of Norm Coleman. Coleman’s last gambit — an attempt to prevent imminent certification of the vote — was denied by the Minnesota Supreme Court Monday morning.
New Mexico’s Gov. Bill Richardson pulled the plug on his nomination as Secretary of Commerce, citing a federal grand jury investigation into a company which has done business with his state as the reason for the exit. New Mexico Independent is now All Richardson, all the time, covering the political fallout, with lots more coverage to come.
And The Washington Independent’s Spencer Ackerman is staying on top of President-elect Obama’s likely picks for the nation’s top intel seats, currently Leon Panetta for CIA and Admiral Dennis Blair for Director of National Intelligence. California’s Senator Dianne Feinstein is not too happy with the idea of Leon Panetta as head of CIA. One wonders if Feinstein has reservations related to her position as the co-sponsor of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Improvement and Enhancement Act of 2006 (S.3001), in which warrantless wiretapping was permitted within a 7-day time frame?
Stay tuned here at Michigan Messenger and the rest of the Center for Independent Media sites!