Tom McMillin
LCV’s annual environmental score card tough on GOP
The Michigan League of Conservation Voters has released its “signature accountability tool” — a directory of the positions taken by lawmakers on key environmental issues.
Throughout the 2009-2010 legislative session the group tracked lawmaker performance on issues involving clean energy, environmental health, and funding for environmental protection.
Michigan’s ‘millionaire parties’ as a competitive threat?
Is the rise of charitable gambling in Michigan a threat to Detroit’s big three commercial casinos?
That’s a question I really wasn’t attempting to answer in the article published earlier today on the dramatic growth — and current attempts to regulate — charitable gambling in the state.
Bills hedge bets on charitable gambling reforms

Times may be tough in Michigan these days, but there’s at least one sector of the economy that’s seen a boom: charity-sponsored gambling. In Lansing, lawmakers aim at reforms from a new fee structure to more local control while protecting Michigan nonprofits’ ability to raise funds at the growing number of “mini-casinos.”
Bias crime legislation vote put off by state House

LANSING — Democratic leaders in the state House on Thursday put off action on bias crime legislation which was passed on for action by the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. The bill passed out of committee to the full floor on a party line vote, with the eight Democrats voting in favor and five Republicans […]
Michigan House Democrats fight back against recalls with web sites
Michigan Democrats established a pair of web sites to fight back against the recalls they say are nothing but political witch-hunts launched for political reasons with the aid of out-of-state special interest groups and money.
The Michigan House Democrats launched a pair of webs sites called “Stop the Recall” and “Decline to Sign.”
The Michigan Taxpayer Alliance, […]
More recall clarity hearings scheduled
Rep. Joel Sheltrown, D-West Branch, is the latest state lawmaker to face a clarity hearing in the statewide move to recall legislators who voted to increase the state income tax and place a sales tax on some services that helped balance the state budget and erase a $1.8 billon budget deficit.
The hearing will be held […]
Threatened recall campaign begins with Oakland County area Representatives
Apparently, the threatened recall effort for some of the lawmakers voting to increase Michigan’s income tax Sunday night has begun.
An Oakland County group calling itself “Stop Hurting Michigan’s Kids” announced Monday it’s starting recalls against six state Representatives who represent parts of Oakland County, including one Republican, according to a report in the Detroit Free […]